Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark Just Solved The Obstructed Seat Problem - Just Watch The Game On Your Phone!

Via SI

I’ve long took shots at the Islanders and their fans, and now it’s become even easier since they moved to Brooklyn and have to play in Barclays Center. I’m on record as actually feeling bad for die-hard Isles fans that would go to Nassau Coliseum, it SUCKS to have your team moved, no matter what. I’m not heartless enough to think or say otherwise. And Barclays Center is a terrible, awful place for hockey. Nobody even goes to watch a pretty exciting team. The players hate it, the opposing teams hate it, fans hate going there, everyone hates it. They stripped a once proud franchise of their identity, put them in a basketball arena, and promote the team as “come to Barclays Center!” instead of “come see sweet hockey”. It’s a disaster. I like laughing at the Isles, don’t get me wrong. 28th in attendance, the scoreboard hangs above the blue line, and the showerheads are 12 feet in the air so Dikembe Mutombo can shower there. But now the CEO of Barclays Center has solved the biggest problem of all- the obstructed view seats.

Can’t see the ice from your seats? Watch the game on your phone, of course! It’s such a demoralizing answer because there is nothing they can do about it. This is the guy who runs the building. The guy in charge of getting asses in seats. And his way of calming the fans is basically “don’t buy our terrible seats, and if you do, you don’t deserve to watch the game anyway”. Which is fair, I guess, but really funny too. Paid for a seat? Just watch it on your phone!

The reality is the Isles will continue to play in an arena where a car has the best seat in the house

in front of 12,000 people a night until someone steps up and actually does something about it- and it doesn’t look like that’ll be any time soon. I guess there is some sort of end the lease deal in the upcoming years, but what does that mean? They move the team completely out of New York? Or they build a new arena back on Long Island, something they couldn’t get done for years and years and years. But hey, at least you can watch the game on your phone. Unless you’re fat. Don’t even bother trying to do anything if you’re fat.


PS: Big game tonight vs the Isles in DC. Caps have lost 2 in a row and haven’t lost 3 in a row all season. Big bounce back or their first slump of the season? Holtby has played 2 games in 16 days, will he be rusty? Or will the Caps show why they are the best in the league? Should be a good one.


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